Mirella von Chrupek “Beautiful Aliens” – invitation to the exhibition

Mirella von Chrupek

Beautiful Aliens

Exhibition launch: Tuesday, November 12, 7 pm

ABC Gallery, Poznań, Koszalińska 15

Beautiful Aliens is the most recent series of digital photomontages by Mirella von Chrupek, an artist whose successive series of works, photographs, collages, and famous environments installed in urban display cases excite both the public and art critics. The common denominator of this diverse oeuvre is the tender irony and grotesqueness with which Mirella von Chrupek communicates her understanding of reality.

Beautiful Aliens is based on portraits of eminent, renowned, and glamorised actresses taken from Film and Ekran magazines from the 1970s. The artist has uniquely transformed the cover images of movie stars; their faces are both recognisable and alien, still beautiful yet strange, intriguing yet unfamiliar. Beautiful Aliens is a story about our fascination and attraction with the unknown, which simultaneously arouses anxiety or even fear.