
Tchórzewski Jerzy

July 15, 2024

Jerzy Tchórzewski was born in 1928 in Siedlce and died in 1999 in Warsaw. In the years 1947-1951 he studied at The Academy of Fine Arts, at Prof. Zbigniew  Pronaszko’s workshop. He obtained his diploma at The Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, in 1953. Connected with Cracow Group,  he made his debut in 1948, at the First Exhibition of Modern Art in Cracow. He displayed with the international group Phases. He was professor at The Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts, to the moment he retired in 1998.


2001 – Jerzy Tchórzewski, , “Masters of Polish Contemporary Painting” series, Art & Business Club, Poznan, 2001
1996 Thaw. Art about 1956 [red. Piotr Piotrowski], National Museum, Poznan
1980 Jerzy Tchórzewski [opr.Mariusz Herrmansdorfer], National Museum, Wroclaw
1960 Jerzy Tchórzewski[entrance: Edouard Jaguer, Espace survolte] Galerie Fürstenberg, Paris
1959 Les artistes polonais, [entrance: Mieczysław Porębski], Sao Paulo


2001 retrospective exhibition (“Masters of Polish Contemporary Painting” series) , ABC Gallery, Poznan
1987 Krzysztofory Gallery, Cracow
1980 National Museum, Wroclaw
1960 Fürstenberg Gallery, Paris
1957 Zachęta Gallery, Warsaw


1999 Between expression and metaphor, National Museum, Wrocław; Gallery of Art Zachęta, Warsaw
1996 Thaw. Art about 1956, National Museum , Poznan
1959 V Bienal de Sao Paulo, Museau de Arte Moderna, Sao Paulo
1948 I Exhibition of Modern Art, Palace of Art, Cracow

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