
Szancenbach Jan

July 15, 2024

Jan Szancenbach was born in 1928 in Cracow. He died in 1998. In the period 1940-1942 he studied at The Kunstgewerbeschule in Cracow at S. Kamocki’s, J. Mehoffer’s, A. Jurkiewicz’s studios. In the period 1942-1945 he accomplished his skills himself.  He continued his education in the period 1945-1948 at  The  Academy of Fine Arts at W. Weiss’es, E. Eibisch’s and L. Gradowski’s studios. He obtained his diploma in 1952. Since 1972 he had lead his workshop at the Painting Department. In the period  1987-1993 he was a rector of The Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow and in 1986 he was nominate to professor title.  He was active in painting, graphic art, illustration and drawn films.

Selected  Catalogues:

2003 Jan Szancenbach, National Gallery of Art, Sopot 2003
1996 Jan Szancenbach, , “Masters of Polish Contemporary Painting” series, Art & Business Club,Poznan 1996

Selected  Individual  Exhibitions:

Under  50 individual presentation in Poland and Europe (Cracow, Warsaw, Poznan, Lodz, Wrocław, London, Vienna, Malmo, Dusseldorf)
1996 retrospective exhibition “Masters of Polish Contemporary Painting” series, ABC Gallery, Poznan

Selected Collective Exhibitions:

1992 La Pologne d’Aujourdhui, Lyon, Nicea
1991 Modern Polish Masters, Fryburg,
1991 East European Contemporary Fine Artists, Towo Art Center, Tokyo

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